MegaFood | Jan. 2021
We all love that post-workout glow, but not when it leads to greasy hair and breakouts! After a workout, work in some changes to your hair and skincare hygiene routines. Here, workout instructor Nicole Perry provides 8 tips and tricks – shared from her pumps & iron blog – for doing just that.
1. Go High, Go Low — Switch It Up!
If you rock a ponytail during workouts, give your hair a break and vary the position (high pony one day, low pony the next) and work in alternative styles, too, like boxer’s braids or a ballerina’s bun. This will reduce the risk of breakage as well as the development of hairband-created cowlicks.
2. Let Your Hair Breathe at Night
This goes along with the above tip. While you sleep, let your hair rest, too. Leave it down or swirl it into a loose top-knot and secure it with a clip or soft scrunchie instead of a hair tie. “Not only does this help with breakage, but it ensures I don’t have a tie crease in my hair the next morning if I want to wear it down,” says Nicole.
3. Water, Water, More Water
You need to hydrate throughout the day, upping your water intake on days when you workout. Not only does it keep you going, but it keeps your skin feeling and looking refreshed. If you’re not a fan of plain water, consider adding a squeeze of lime or cut-up slices of cucumber (or both!) to make it more appealing.
4. Face Wipes For the Win
If you’re unable to wash your face or hop in the shower after your workout, use a face wipe! Make sure you use a wipe specifically made for faces, and try to find ones that use natural ingredients and no chemical scents.
5. Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day
This is a hard one if you’re sweating heavily during workouts most days of the week but daily shampoos can overwork your hair. “I’ll probably never be one of those girls who can do a week in between washes (I have fine hair and naturally oily skin), but I go every other or every third day if I’m lucky and my hair is shinier and healthier because of it,” says Nicole. Be patient with the change – your hair might feel greasy at first but, eventually, your hair’s natural oils will balance out a bit and, if not, Nicole suggests considering top knots, braids and hats to be your BFFs.
6. Monitor Your Hairline for Breakouts
Breaking out along your hairline is common when you’re adjusting to less-frequent shampooing, as the oil from your hair can wreak havoc on your forehead. If this happens, try washing your face about a half inch into your scalp before bed; you can also wear a loose fabric headband while you sleep to make sure your hair stays off your face.
7. Still Having Issues? Look to Your Diet
Your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside your body. Your gut could be out of whack, hormonal imbalances could be at work or you might need to cut back on or add more of something to your diet. A common dietary culprit behind breakouts is dairy. “I did an experiment where I went completely dairy-free for a month and my skin has never been clearer,” says Nicole.
8. Supplement a Healthy Diet with the Stuff Your Skin & Hair Want
Okay, let’s talk Skin, Nails & Hair™! This supplement supports your natural beauty by strengthening and nourishing hair and nails as well as supporting healthy complexion.* It combines key nutrients with whole foods like organic oranges, broccoli and brown rice plus herbs (think organic herbs like dandelion root, red clover blossom and chamomile flower) to get you glowin’ from the inside out. It’s also gentle enough to take on an empty stomach, anytime of day.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ « This has become my go-to vitamin. My hair is shiny & healthy, and my skin is radiant. » – Jill Z.