Formulas to Support Stress

Erin Stokes, Naturopathic Doctor, MegaFood Medical Director | April 2019 When you’re dealing with occasional stress, you might not automatically think about supplements.
Erin Stokes, Naturopathic Doctor, MegaFood Medical Director | April 2019 When you’re dealing with occasional stress, you might not automatically think about supplements.
Are you feeling stressed out about the holidays? I know I am. I can feel my anxiety level rising, tension building in my shoulders, and tightness in my stomach.
I feel like there’s an article telling me how to deal with anxiety in my inbox every day. Or a tweet. Or a Facebook post. They usually talk about the usual.
Starting to run, or increasing the mileage you run, requires an uptick in energy reserves. We can often forget that the energy to fuel all of our endeavors ultimately needs to come from the food we eat (and no, it’s not from coffee!). Read more →
Backyard gardens and farmer’s markets are revving up, and will reach their peak before you can say “seven sunflower seeds” ten times fast! Also soon to be in their glory: medicinal and c…